Friday, April 10, 2009

Rocket Stove Operation Instructions

2 Door GreenFire Combo Stove Operation

The 2 two door GreenFire Combo stove burns wood fuel or charcoal fuel. All air flow for both wood or charcoal burning operations are controlled with the lower air vent (small, sliding bottom door). The larger sliding top door and the fire brick must be removed for wood burning operations. Remove the top door, the fire brick, and place fuel shelf against door to align wood sticks to burn in the fire combustion chamber. Your initial wood lighting takes place on top of the cast iron charcoal support grate (with paper & small wood as fuel to ignite larger wood fuel sticks), located behind sliding top door. There is no difference with the 1 door stove wood burning operation, except that the wood burning is taking place on the charcoal support grate in the 2 door stove. Wood burning with the one door stove takes place just above the stove ceramic floor, utilizing the metal fuel shelf.

Charcoal burning operations: please see charcoal burning diagrams on stove shipping box. This information will be incorporated on our StoveTec web page in the future. Our 2 door Combo stove is shipped with a removable firebrick that must be in place and located behind the top door for all charcoal burning operations. The integrity of the top door may be compromised if the fire brick is not utilized during charcoal burning operations. If at some point the firebrick is lost or broken, they can be easily made or replaced by firebrick from any ceramic supplier. Fire brick are easily cut with a simple handsaw and shaped with an ordinary hand rasp. It only takes a couple minutes to make one, if required.

Slip the shaped firebrick behind the top door to fill the void in the fire combustion chamber. Failure to install firebrick will damage thin metal door without the insulating firebrick in place. Charcoal is loaded from the top of the fire chamber through the opening in the cast iron top, onto cast iron charcoal support grate. Ignite charcoal for cooking. Add charcoal fuel with long handled tongs to prevent burns.

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